IEA EBC Annex 81: Second Plenary Meeting

May 19-20, 2021
Webinar/Virtual Meeting

In the absence of face to face meetings, the Annex 81 online plenary meetings are a way of keeping in touch with what is going on around the Annex.

Each subtask will

  • Report on the progress of work over the last 6 months
  • Highlight achievements
  • Discuss the next steps in the work and how to engage with the work

This is an opportunity to discuss the work and get ,more involved

The 2hour session will be held twice to capture all the global timezones.  You would only be expected to attend one of the two sessions

Session 1: UTC 3pm 19th May (AEDT - 1am 20th, JST - 12midnight 20th, SGT - 11pm 19th, CET 5pm 19th, GMT 4pm 19th, EST 11am 19th, PST 8am 19th)

Session 2: UTC 7am 20th May (AEDT - 5pm 20th, JST - 4pm 20th, SGT - 3pm 20th, CET 9am 20th, GMT 8am 20th, EST 3am 20th, PST 12 midnight 20th)